already have a dragonfly account

how do I register if I already have a dragonfly account

Officials who have previously used the NFHS Center for Officials Services will log in with their existing DragonFly account.


  1. Login to DragonFly on your computer using your existing username and password – the same you used to register for another sport or a previous year.
  2. On your Today page you will see your registration status with GHSA for the current school year (2021-2022).  Select the ‘Complete Your Registration‘ or ‘Revisit your Registration‘ button under the Georgia High School Association section
  3. Select the ‘Confirm / Update Sports‘ button.
  4. Choose baseball then click the ‘Save Sports‘ button in the bottom-right corner.
  5. Your registration checklist will now reflect your changes.  You will now need to click the button next to baseball in your local officials associations list that says, ‘Pick a Local Association
  6. On the next screen you will need to select the local association that you are joining, Marietta Baseball.  Either scroll down until you see ‘Marietta Baseball (Baseball)’ listed or just type Marietta in the search field.  Click on it to highlight it, then click on the blue button at the bottom that says, ‘Add group for Baseball
  7. Now, complete all the sections for Marietta Baseball starting with the Background Check section.  If you have paid any of your fees at a MUA meeting you can skip the ‘Review and Pay’ section if it is still showing red.  If you paid in person, our administrator will go in and mark you paid after you have registered.
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